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Things that made me happy recently
Strawberry fields
My daughter took care of the strawberries. She carefuly cut the old leaves, removed weeds and sang them many moving songs. She was very patient and thorough. I was happy to watch her working outdoors, barefeet and smiling. 


Home made pasta

Another contribution to our spring menu: pasta made from our eggs, which are now in rich supply, yet don´t look all good. Some of the henns got broody and stuck in the nests, which results in crushing some of the eggs by those who try to get to the nests over them, thus soiling the surviving eggs with yolk and dirt. So we have now plenty of eggs which cannot be sold. My daughter and I have tried the little pasta machine and already the first result was excellent. The boys were very happy indeed. Next time we´ll try soup noodles.  



Spring is comming

Yes. It´s official.



First and last

The menu is changing. Last potatoes, last saurkraut soup, last roasted duck were eaten and first dandelion leaves, lettuce and  parsley  with eggs make first spring salad. 



Ready for next season

All seeds already arrived, plans were made, first seedlings already started. Ready, steady, ... 



The lost rabbit is back

I was really worried as he disappeared days ago. He turned up yesterday around the barn. And, tonight my husband caught him :-) It is a real pity that I couldn´t make a picture from this adventurous operation (it was dark) - it was a triumph after ages in prone position in the mud behind the barn...



I met wonderful gardeners

Finally, I went to see a vegetable market garden in a near village. I met one of the gardeners and had a chat about overwintering yacons. I liked so much the passion which was visible in every place in the garden. Well done guys!



Independence on the system reached in another area

I feel so good that after seasonal vegetable supply, home grown meat, various canned food for winter, fermented cabbage, and eggs, we have our own fresh milk and dairy. I found a local resource of raw milk  from a neighbour in our village. For several weeks already we don´t buy any processed milk, and our home-made yoghurt and kefir taste great.



A friend got married

...and it was a cute wedding. It is so heartwarming when the ceremony takes place in a community where people know each other for generations. I just hope these islands of well rooted communities will not be swept away by globalisation, urbanisation and anonymous mobility.



Our house sounds with music

I love the moments when the kids practice their instruments, be it the violin, trumpet and euphonium sound simultaneously. I find this to be a lively and positive noise. Reminds me of a bathroom in a music high school before the finals - just there would be at least two more singers...




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